New Funding - Gulf Coast and Sargent Beach
First - the Matagorda County Commissioners will be voting to approve funding for the breakwater project are on the agenda for Monday, May 3rd (item 18): I will track this and find out what this means from the project lead next week. Also in other news on funding: To day the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE Council) announced $302 million in funding decisions for restoration activities spanning the Gulf Coast states impacted by the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. With today’s vote, the RESTORE Council has approved Funded Priorities List (FPL) 3b. FPL 3b includes 20 activities designed to address ecosystem needs across the Gulf of Mexico. The activities identified in FPLs are developed through collaboration among RESTORE Council members with input from Gulf stakeholders. What does that mean for us - Texas is getting some of that funding to fund living shorelines - and East Matagorda Bay is a part of that project - so not beach related - but still will help us....