
Showing posts from September, 2021

Study on San Bernard River -

  Friends of the River San Bernard   received a thank you from   Yu Zhang, Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, UT Arlington   for writing a letter of support for his   CMP (Coastal Management Program)   project of the   San Bernard/Brazos River   flow and sediment dynamics. This letter, along with other letters of support, was forwarded to the   Texas General Land Office   and subsequently the project was selected for funding by  GLO . It is scheduled to begin next   January .     Excerpt from  Dr. Zhang's   “Assessing flow and sediment dynamics along lower Brazos and San Bernard Rivers to inform regional restoration  strategies . . .  direct economic impacts of the study will be four-fold.   1.  It will lead to a realistic appraisal of flooding risks along the lower  San Bernard River  after the reopening of the river mouth, which will help the state and regional entities select cost-effective infrastructures for protecting lives and properties.   2.  It helps determi