October update Save Sargent Beach
So today at the County Commissioners the approved sending Beach Dune application to GLO for comments. Everything is in place. So what the hell are we waiting for? We are waiting for the request for bids to be published and the entire bidding process to be completed. According to the rep from Atkins - "we are about to enter the process for bidding with GLO - this will take about 6 months start to finish to get the contract awarded." So if it starts in November we will have a contract finally awarded in April - probably start construction in June to be completed by August - hopefully before any more hurricanes after we got so lucky this season. So remain hopeful and patient I guess. As for the San Bernard - the project failed due to silting - https://www.sanbernardriver.com/info.php?pnum=55db9819cad7be Jun 24th - PROJECT HALTED - FAILS TO COMPLETE OPENING MOUTH. Brazoria County Commissioners declare "project completed"...