San Bernard River project reaches final permitting phase!!
We need sand - and the San Bernard is part of the flow of sand we need. As you can see from the photo below, with no flow coming out of the river, it stops the sand we need. But they have plan to dredge the river opening and keep it open for the next 25 years. They just need the permits to get it done. AND NOW THEY ARE ALMOST THERE! From the Friends of San Bernard website (and note- they have been working on this since 2013 - 7 years to get to this point). all that sand should be here The permit to open the mouth of the San Bernard has FINALLY made it to the the last step in the long process of getting it done. On Friday Nov 20, 2020 , the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) was reviewing the 401 certification for the San Bernard River project of reopening its mouth. The...