Why is the San Bernard Important
Here is a picture of the mouth of the San Bernard from 2017 -
Here is a picture from June 2020
According the 2003 study - "It has been nearly 75 years since the Brazos river was diverted to the south, and the old
Brazos delta has completely eroded away and no longer serves as a nearshore source for
sand that waves can bring onshore to nourish the beach." I know this is different but everything helps maintain a healthy beach.
So in order to maintain a beach - there has to be a source of sand that waves can bring onshore. The flow of sand in Texas goes east to west. So we need the rivers to the east to flow freely to get us more sand.
They are waiting on permits - I follow the Friends of San Bernard to keep an eye on this part of the project for dredging the mouth of the river and keeping it open - they have funding approved to do that.
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