Additional Funding for Breakwater project and update
Because of the number of hurricanes last year, they need to do an additional survey for the landward end of the terminal groin - it is currently underwater. So they approved $3,905 to do the additional survey to make sure the groin is in the right place. The groin is the long jetty that comes out from the shore at Mitchell's Cut into the gulf. The groin is pictured below and the left hand point is the point that is a concern - that sand washed away - so now they need to survey that area and then re do the plans to make sure it is still effective. The groin is 1900' long - so it will catch a lot of sand. Spoke with the representative from Atkins global and this does NOT delay the project - they are still thinking of fall to begin. Some other updates on the beach restoration project - in case you were wondering why it takes so long, this should give you an indication of what is involved: The Geotechnical firm has been waiting for a calm weather period t...