
Showing posts from August, 2022

Army Corps Study on ICW

Many residents feel that the Army Corps has to keep the beach in place to protect the Intracoastal Waterway.  But during a recent resident meeting on the Breakwater project - the head of the Army Corps said it was all good and they were fine with some flooding and he had no worries.  Contradicting that is a recent study published this year - The Army Corps completed a study in January 2022 entitled: Engineering Design for theGulf Intracoastal Waterway CoastalResilience Study  a very interesting read on how they intend to keep the ICW open and the issues associated with maintaining it.   They basically believe that the Breakwater and Jetty project along with beach restoration will keep the ICW protected for a long time.   "The greatest shoreline changes occur on the bay and gulf side of the barrier, particularly at Sargent Beach. Sargent Beach is ranked as one of the highest eroded shorelines in Texas. Along most of Sargent Beach, it has already eroded ...

So close - just waiting on contracts -

 From Bill Orton!  I had a chance this week to visit with Rhonda Gregg the Project Director at Atkins regarding our Sargent Beach projects. Below is the information she provided me to share with all of you. Hopefully it will help as to where we are currently. Thank you, Bill Orton We have our permits in hand for Sargent, and the Corps is going to partner with us and the GLO to use the dredge material from the Mouth of Colorado River as the sand source for the beach nourishment portion of the project. So a federal BUDM component to the beach nourishment aspect of the project. We are waiting for contracts to come out of the GLO so that we can support the bid tasks for the breakwater portion of the project and CM for construction. All the plans and specifications are complete. Other than waiting- we are really positioned nicely. All the funds are in place for construction of the project. (rock and sand) The GLO and Corps have REALLY stepped up. I couldn’t be more pleased for the ...

Where does the trash come from?

If you ever wonder where the trash comes from that gathers on our beach - it comes from our bayous and rivers.  The picture below is a net that traps garbage floating down the Buffalo Bayou after the latest storm.  They guys in the boat are trying to gather the garbage.  This is the only net I know of on the Bayou so just imagine how much plastic comes floating down into the Gulf of Mexico to eventually end up on our beaches.  That is a lot.   This next pic is further up the Bayou.  All that garbage is coming our way for the next beach clean up.  I know it is easy to get mad at the ignorant visitor who leaves his trash - but if we really want to clean our beach we need more nets trapping garbage at the source.