Late February - discussion with contractor

 Gentleman may not actually be me - but I have been pushing and tracking the project. Here is the last I received on the pilot program on February 27- as for the full project, the funding is to be awarded in the fall.

Dave- the project will still go through two phases prior to being “shovel ready” for construction.
First, we are entering the preliminary engineering phase and regulatory permitting.
The project will be designed to a level (35%) that we can submit our permits to the Corps and GLO.
Once we are through the public notice from the USACE permit and we don’t see any show stoppers, we will move to the full engineering phase.
The project will go from a 35% design level all the way through 65%, 100% to the construction documents and specifications. We should be able to accomplish within this years’ time frame.
We can advance the engineering design to completion while we wait for the permit to be completed.
The project will be ready for construction at that point.
So January 2021, if funding is available, the project could begin construction.
I know progress seems slow, but we are moving forward now.
This is a priority project for the GLO and they are willing to help keep the momentum moving forward.

The tides were very very high in Galveston as well.
It isn’t as much funding as it is process right now.
We have completed preliminary engineering and I am about to submit the Corps permits.
We will need everyone’s letters of support when it goes out for Public Notice.
After we are well into permitting, we will start the full engineering plans and get the project shovel ready.
Then the larger scale funding comes into play.
We have not gotten any word from TCEQ on the RESTORE Bucket 3. We might ask Judge McDonald send an email about that.
Those funds were earmarked for the beach nourishment component.
The State/GLO has committed funds for the breakwaters through their State level GOMESA funds.
Thank you very much for sharing this information.
We are pushing as hard and as fast as we can, while navigating the agencies with whom we are working with.
Please stay in touch.
With my best- Stay Well!

A public meeting was held on May 25, 2018, to discuss the Sargent Beach Segmented Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Study, which is being led by Atkins North America, whom the Texas General Land Office contracted with for the study.
The goal of this pilot project is to “keep the sand in place and reduce erosion to protect the GIWW (Gulf Intercoastal Waterway),” said Project Director Rhonda Gregg Hirsch. Phase 3, which is currently in process and will continue through November 2018, includes environmental, geotechnical and sand source field investigations. The data collected, along with data from previous studies, will be compiled and used during the modeling phase to determine the most optimal solution. The modeling phase could take up to three years. Once the design and final funding is approved, Hirsch anticipates 6-8 months for the actual construction and is confident Sargent will start seeing the rewards within 1-2 years of project completion.
Hirsch anticipates having another local public meeting halfway through the project to provide updates and share results of computer model testing of the potential solutions. She welcomes input from individuals in our community and is happy to answer questions you may have regarding this project. She can be reached via email at or 281-529-4194.
No photo description available.
You, Patsy Kirby Hoffman and 18 others


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