Post Hurricane Laura 2

 Save Our Beach - Update - got a great note from Kent Pollard last night -

The Sargent Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Project was submitted for USACE permitting on or about the 30th of July. Matagorda County has worked very closely with the GLO on the design of this project. I sincerely believe all agencies involved in this project are aware of the urgency involved.
He also gave me another contact at USACE (Army Corps of Engineers) he has the permit for review.
My next questions - is this just for the pilot that is supposed to start in January west of the pier? or the whole project? And what entity is actually in charge of the project - seems like it is joint between Matagorda and GLO (government land office)
Will keep you posted

Beach Nourishment Study - The initial study was all done with grant funds..


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