More letters of public support

 Letter 3

Your Name
City, State  Zip Code


Central Evaluation Unit/Evaluation branch
Regulatory Division, CESWG-RDE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P. O. Box 1229
Galveston, TX 77553- 1229

Re: SWG-2018-00678
       Sargent Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Project


Dear Ms. Taylor,

I write to today to support SWG-2018-00678 Sargent Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Project.
Please approve a permit for this project as soon as possible. Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Your Name (printed)


Your Name
City, State  Zip Code


Central Evaluation Unit/Evaluation branch
Regulatory Division, CESWG-RDE
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
P. O. Box 1229
Galveston, TX 77553- 1229

Re: SWG-2018-00678
       Sargent Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Project


Dear Ms. Taylor,

I write to today in support of SWG-2018-00678 Sargent Breakwater and Beach Nourishment Project.
I am a [resident – own property- second home- concerned citizen], and the erosion of this area is of great concern to me. I have followed this project from the early study phase and am happy to see the project in the permitting stage.

Our shoreline has been eroding for years, but this summer is of particular significance. The series of hurricanes and tropical storms this summer have completely exposed the revetment and removed the beach sand down to the clay layer. It is vitally important to begin construction of a project to curb the erosion and nourish our beach to restore the habitat lost. My property and that of my neighbors is at great risk, as well as the Gulf Intercoastal Waterway. Please move forward with approving the permit for this project as quickly as possible. Thank you for your consideration of this request.


Your Name (printed)


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