Final Engineering Phase for Breakwaters - they are on water this week!!

Final Engineering Phase:

  • The survey team is out on the water as we speak. They began their work yesterday. They have been dodging cold fronts and attempting to get out there in a good weather window.
  • As soon as this data is processed, the Geotech folks will be out. I expect end of month.
  • We have begun our preliminary work on final design.

Permit Phase:

  • Atkins has received the Public Notice comments from the USACE. Atkins Global has to have technical responses are due back to the Corps on Jan 29. They 
  • We have comments from USACE, USFWS, NMFS, TPWD (x2), TCEQ, and 2 members of the public. (one of these persons is from Sierra Club, he just didn’t put that on his letter; the other person is former EPA) Both are sort of flying under radar and not mentioning their respective affiliation in their letter. Doesn’t matter to us, anyone can comment.

Also the Matagorda County Commissioners voted to approve the $104,500 for the  re-nourishment permit phase.  The permit had expired while waiting for the breakwaters to be completed -

Still waiting on the permit for reopening of the San Bernard - I monitor that daily

We received 192 LETTERS OF SUPPORT from the community!! Way to go Sargent!!!

Survey work - 1/13/2021 11:30 am


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