Greatest Challenges to Sargent Beach

I subscribe to the American Shore and Beach Preservation Association to learn more about how to save Sargent Beach.  They had a fascinating article on a survey to all their member about what the greatest challenges are to America's beaches. Not surprising - they are all the same issues we have.  What is interesting is that most states and locales have a long term strategic plan for coastal management.  We don't 

Summary of top coastal management challenges 

Overall, the coastal management challenges that respondents chose most frequently were: 

  • Deteriorating ecosystems leading to reduced (environmental, recreational, economic, storm buffer) functionality, 
  • Increasing storminess due to climate change (i.e. more frequent and intense impacts), 
  • Coastal flooding, both 
    • Sea level rise and associated flooding (e.g. nuisance flooding, king tides), and 
    • Combined effects of rainfall and surge on urban flooding,  
  • Chronic beach erosion (i.e. high/ increasing long-term erosion rates), and 
  • Coastal water quality, including harmful algal blooms (e.g. red tide, sargassum).
That is our problem.  And we know that some of the solutions are coming with the breakwater project and beach nourishment - but it cannot stop there.  We have to have a plan that adds more breakwaters, has periodic nourishment, has some dune restoration and planting - in order to truly save the beach. 

That is our next push - to ensure Matagorda has a long term strategic plan!


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