County Commissioners Meeting 8.16.201 - more progress for the Breakwater project

 Matagorda County Commissioners met today and went over this agenda item about the Sargent Beach project:

That was unanimously passed and means that the project continues to move forward on the timeline previously mentioned. 

Prior to the meeting I asked Judge McDonald about the funding for Phase 2 of the project which is the beach nourishment portion and got the following response - 

Mr. Saba,
We continue to work on the nourishment piece and will solve it as well.
Thanks for your support of this effort.
Nate McDonald
County Judge ~ Matagorda County
1700 7th Street, RM 301             Phone: (979) 244-7605
Bay City, TX. 77414                       Fax: (979) 245-3697

IShort Summary of Matagorda County Commissioners Court

This morning, August 16, 2021, Commissioners Court approved and Commissioner Pollard signed the USACE Application that names Rhonda Gregg-Hirsch, from Atkins Project Management, as the County's agent moving forward.  Mrs. Gregg-Hirsch can be reached at the following email address: 

During the public comment section of the meeting, I spoke on behalf of the concerned citizens of Matagorda County.  During my 3 minute allotted time, I thanked the Court for their efforts in helping us get to this point. I explained that it is my understanding that the approval from today was for the $16.3 million grant to complete Phase 1 of the 2 stage process.  Stage 1 is the building of the jetty and the breakwaters and Phase 2 is the beach nourishment.  I also stated I thought Commissioner Pollard did a good job explaining the many moving parts prior to the motion and voting to proceed.  

I then told the Court, Stage 2 of the study proved that approx 400,000 cubic yards of sand would need to be pumped back onto the beach for beach nourishment.  As concerned citizens, we are under the understanding that the funds for Phase 2 have not yet been identified.  There are secured FEMA funds to replace the approximately 21,000 cubic yards displaced from Hurricane Harvey, but we need to be working on securing the funding for Phase 2.  I stated that I am here today to offer not only my help, but the help of our concerned citizens that have been working on this project.  If there is anything we can do to help ensure a seamless transition from completion of Phase 1 and startup of Phase 2, please let us know.  I thanked the Court again for everything they do and have done for this important historical project. 

I would also like to thank Kandas Graham for being present to represent us on this important matter as well.  For those that have never attended Matagorda County Commissioners Court, the Court will allot you 3 minutes to address the Court with any concern you may have. However, they will not reply, comment or answer any questions.

Let me know how I can help.  

Ernest Lawson

We will keep pushing and thank you Ernest for bringing up Phase 2!!



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