Lots going on that impacts our beach. We didn't have as a bad hurricane season as last year which will help with the project for the jetty and breakwater project - but Nicholas did move the the start point again. From Ernest Lawson who attends the commissioners meetings - "In this Monday’s Commissioners Court it was voted and passed that the County pay for another survey. Pollard indicated this will take 4 days to complete the new survey. The starting point at Mitchell’s cut is a moving target and was changed with Hurricane Nicholas. The targeted start date is still January."
AWESOME - we are getting close people - thank you Ernest for keeping track for us.
Beach Nourishment -
So they put in for the permit for beach nourishment but is it smaller than we were originally told. It will go down to Mitchell's cut to the west but only up 1 mile to the east. Here is the Army Corps link to the permit page - this was submitted October 2021
From the website - The project site consists of a 2.2-mile shoreline segment
of the Matagorda Peninsula and the adjacent open waters of the Gulf of Mexico. The
beach face is composed of sandy beach habitat devoid of vegetation and is bounded to
the north by an exposed federal revetment wall. Beach sand in the open areas consists
of fine sand ranging in color from white to pale brown. The submerged, nearshore
substrate in the western end of the site consists of moderately consolidated fine sand;
moving easterly the substrate becomes more clayey without sand and the water depth
increases. Matagorda Peninsula is a low-lying barrier island that is experiencing rapid
erosion, which has intensified in recent years due to impacts from frequent tropical storm
systems. There are no wetland, oyster, or seagrass resources located within the project
So semi good news unless you are 1.2 miles up from the bridge which means you are just 0.2 miles from where the beach nourishment ends.
Mouth of the San Bernard - currently is 60% dredged and had some equipment failures - but they are back on track -
The current picture - the red circle is the dredge - the discharge pipe is heading our way.
Compared to last winter-
Note that the dredge is working its way down to the gulf and still has a ways to go - also note that the dredge pipe is pumping sand that will come our way. A good thing. If only we had the jetty up now.
Thank you for these updates