They had to rebid the Sargent Breakwater project

 GLO must follow very strict guidelines for awarding contracts and that is both good and bad for our project.  Good in that they found an issue with the winning bidder in the final phase of the ward - bad because it means that they have to put it out for rebid. This means the timeline starts all over again.  

Commissioner Estlinbaum is just as upset as we are and is staying on GLO to ensure they expedite this process so that the project gets done.  Bid is here (it moved again as of 4/26) -

  • This is an accelerated timeline compared to the last bid
  • Issue Solicitation March 4, 2024 
  • Deadline for Submitting Questions March 11, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. CT 
  • Anticipated Release Date of Answers to Questions March 15, 2024 
  • Deadline for Submission of Solicitation Responses (including HUB Subcontracting Plan) March 28, 2023 at 2:00 p.m. CT 
  • Evaluation Period April 1, 2024 to April 25 2024 
  • Contractor Selection and Notice of Intent to Award April 26, 2024 
  • Contract Negotiation and Execution April 29, 2024 to June 21, 2024 
  • Deadline for Bonds and Insurance June 21, 2024 
  • Pre-Construction Conference and Notice to Proceed June 22, 2024
So they are still trying to mover forward with construction by this summer.  I would refrain from holding your breath - but they do want to get this done. 

Note - this requires over 160,000 tons of stone that his to get out towards Mitchell's Cut. They have a large staging area in the park by the defunct rest rooms and at Mitchell's cut as well as an access road to get all that rock to the cut.  Should be interesting. 


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