More Red Tape on Sargent Beach project
5/17 - the Matagorda County Commissioners approved submission of a revised permit to the Army Corps of Engineers - another step in the process. We have now been working on this for 12 years to get this done and the project will cost between $50-60 million.
So what they said at the meeting is the permits and engineering will FINALLY be done by the end of June and bidding for the project can begin - anticipate 2-3 months for that and we are still on track for September / October start date.
This is a model for the rest of Texas and can have far reaching impacts for the ICW - let's hope so.
So as usual - I would advise against holding your breath - but we still have support, we have people working on it and we are making progress.
Also - big thank you to John for delivering this summary to the County Commissioners on May 10th
Sargent resident John Obenhaus addressed the Matagorda County commissioners over five “dangerous conditions” on or near the Sargent beaches.
“A lot of these conditions are dangerous and really embarrassing to the people who live down there,” Obenhaus said. “We have some amities out there that are not too bad but these are anti-amenities and we just need the county to come in and bulldoze this stuff down. All of these conditions are dangerous stuff. We have a lot of county residents and businesses down there that count on the county to recognize and take care of dangerous issues. Most of this stuff we hear about reasons why they are not taken care of but all we hear are rumors as to why they are taking care of these issues. We need more transparency out there and more im-portantly we need someone to take care of these problems.”
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