Sargent Beach Breakwater - RFP coming this month!

 As you should know from the numerous blog posts, we are now in the phase of the project for the Sargent Beach Breakwater and Jetty's where everything is approved, the money is set - we just have to release the Request for Proposals (RFP), get bids, select the contractor and run the project.  The RFP was supposed to be released in April but got delayed by the Texas Government Land Office (GLO).  Commissioner Mike Estlinbaum and County Judge Bobby Seiferman wrote to GLO to get them moving on the RFP.  Within a day, they got a response on some changes that were needed and then it could be released. 

So - bottom line is the RFP should go out by the end of May - should take about 60-90 days to select the contractor and we are off and running this fall! 

Our commissioners and the project lead are staying on top of things - and they want this as much as we do - so it is coming. 

Project plans CLICK HERE - also not included in those plans are beach restoration to commence once the jetty and breakwaters are in place. 


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